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Concurrency: State Models & Java Programs

second edition


** revised 2015

The following slides for Chapters 1-10, 12 and 14 have been used to present the material contained in the book in courses to Computing students.

The slides are in three forms: Power-Point, full-size pdf for ease of viewing and 4-up pdf for economic printing as notes.

Chapter 1 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 2 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 3 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 4 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 5 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 6 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 7 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 8 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 9 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 10 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 12 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up

Chapter 14 (Powerpoint) - pdf - 4up